Promotion This Month

" Foot Spa and Aromatherapy Oil Massage with Hot Stone " 


1 hr $129                    Couple $229

( 15 mins Foot Spa / 45 mins Oil Massage + Hot Stone )


1 1/2 hrs $179          Couple $ 329

( 15 mins Foot Spa / 30 mins Foot Massage / 45 mins Oil Massage + Hot Stone )


2 hrs $210                Couple $ 399

( 15 mins Foot Spa / 30 mins Foot Massage / 75 mins Oil Massage + Hot Stone )


* A therapist massage your head, neck and shoulders during soaking your feet in warm herbal water "Foot Spa".

* Hot Stones are applied for 5 mins.

* Purchasing in shop only.

 - Promotion

What our Clients had to say?

I was looking for a Thai massage place close to Darling Harbour where I was staying. I found Ratana Thai Massage on Google map. Their Package 1 combining a traditional Thai massage and a foot massage was amazing. Reasonably priced at $99 for 90 mins, it was the cure all for a long day of walking and sightseeing around Sydney. I highly recommend this place.

Brandon W. - Las Vegas USA

I feel totally relaxed. The massage really takes away my stress and tensions I had. After a week packed with work, I feel fresh and energetic healing.

Bella - Computer Programmer, Sydney NSW

Our Massages & Treatments